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What's new: New object types

Object alias objects

Object alias objects contain an alias to another object (like Aliases in the Mac OS Finder). To create an object alias

The object alias is created. You can also drag an object to a new location while holding the Command and Option keys.

Table objects

Ambry 1.3 includes simple table objects. Although the table object will get more advanced in later versions, you can begin to play with them now.

To resize a row or column, move the cursor to the right of or below the cell you wish to resize (the cursor will change to indicate that you're in the right place). Drag to resize the cell.

To add or remove rows and columns, move the cursor to the right of or below the row or column you wish to extend or delete (the cursor will change to indicate that you're in the right place), hold the Option key, and drag to the left or up to remove cells and to the right or down to add cells.

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